They are using the same tactics as they did in Old Foundry Road at Phillips and Pipers when lovely and very expensive town flats were sold to owners who then found they could not resell because some flats had been rented to lowlife junkies. The owners had to rent them out to junkies and benefit claimants with loads of kids and drug habits themselves as they no longer liked living there and putting up with the IBC induced nonsense and nobody other than lowlife would move there. This will happen at Ravenswood too with IBC help as property owners do not vote labour and this is a labour voting area.
A hand delivered letter from IBC arrives. Heck they are even using some of my pics in it.
http://static.flickr.com/66/194246159_812424a331_b.jpghttp://static.flickr.com/56/194246157_e626e86f07_b.jpghttp://static.flickr.com/55/194246156_3ae0f34cce_b.jpghttp://static.flickr.com/45/194246154_e17738a239_b.jpgWell it is if course the usual nonsense starting at page one I will deal with it now. The picture shows a barrier that power wheelchair users cannot access. The powerchair in the pic is a standard NHS powerchair which both Steve Hunt and his boss Andy Sheppard observed could not get past this gate. The ridiculous thing is these barriers are supposed to stop motorcycles but they get through them with ease. Those that cannot be bothered to get off their bikes just ride further up the road by the school or ride in here, where Andy Sheppard and Steve Hunt are walking over potential Sky Larks nests! Surely not as that is where they have decided I cannot go
http://static.flickr.com/49/186483881_caffb40128_b.jpg beside the builders portacabins
where cars can also access the site. Motorbikes can access Braziers Wood at many other points on Legoland. Page two
http://static.flickr.com/56/194246157_e626e86f07_b.jpgagain using one if my pics shows a illegally blocked footpath. The statement that it has no bearing on access to Braziers wood is nonsense. This path is the only access point possible for powerchair users as using the stupidly dangerous "K" barrier is a no go as there is presently no way to get toBraziers wood in a powerchair through the "K" barrier. This is a "K" barrier
http://static.flickr.com/50/126557029_f66d8861be_b.jpg Pairs of kids on motorcycles get through these easily by turning their handlebars on full lock and their mate drags the bike or scooter through by the front wheel. Police bikes will not get through though so they do not chase and look silly. This is how they get through the other gates and away from plod. In and lift front wheel
http://static.flickr.com/55/163805215_c3fe4826f0_b.jpgSwing gate
http://static.flickr.com/76/163805253_92da74c024_b.jpgJob done
http://static.flickr.com/76/163805273_7bc001e92f_b.jpg Beyond the gate shown on page two is another
http://static.flickr.com/36/125912871_01f5f1be8b_b.jpg that is also locked with a padlock and chain which again is an illegally installed gate across a footpath. I really do not understand all this nonsense that opening this illegal gate would disturb Sky Larks as the park workers use this gate and the whole site is used by motorcycles and has been since the last war. I think IBC are just grasping excuses out of thin air. The area is over run with foxes, are IBC going to organise a fox hunt or even ban people taking their dogs over here because a dog can really spoil a Sky Larks day? In actual fact this is a very expensive new gate requested by IBC workers who didn't like spending the summer afternoons at Braziers Wood and come 4pm they couldn't shoot off home because dog walkers had parked their cars in front of the gate effectively blocking them in for a few minutes. It made no difference as now people still park in front of this massively expensive new gate:-)
Page Three is so amusing I think Steve Hunt is having a laugh. He will not have this little bit of grass cut beside the builders portacabin in case there are Sky Larks nesting there!!! Him and his boss are shown walking here after having me go through it in my powerchair while they watched in case I got stuck.
http://static.flickr.com/56/194246157_e626e86f07_b.jpg It is obviously OK for the tractor that cuts the grass beyond this strip to drive on here to mow here and much further in.
http://static.flickr.com/69/181108598_1f0da8ad6a_b.jpg http://static.flickr.com/63/164265809_b6da18cd15_b.jpg Acres have been mowed. On IBC's reckoning this must have mashed loads of Sky Larks so I suppose Mr Hunt has some wonderful way of allowing a tractor to drive here and do less damage to a reckless Sky Lark nesting on an obviously well used track then a wheelchair would do. The ironic thing is I can drive my car through here and youngsters on motorcycles can ride his way but I cannot go here with my wheel chair. Yes I even drive through here with a collapsable wheelchair in the back of my car but I do not fool the Sky Larks who are well aware when a car or motorcycle approaches. I hate to think how IBC are going to explain what happens to the larks when the huge area is mowed. Come to that they must have really upset quite few Sky Larks when they allowed Ravenswood to be built but I suppose that doesn't count as it was sanctioned by errrr IBC. Well they are God here as the residents are about to discover when Macdonalds opens.
Page four
http://static.flickr.com/45/194246154_e17738a239_b.jpg shows how little respect IBC have for folks living on Ravenswood. The map shows every access point for motorcycles is at Ravenswood so the folks living there get all the motorcycle traffic but at least they are spared the sight of cripples in wheelchairs cluttering the place up. IBC are creating a modern ghetto here intentionally as they are no longer allowed to build social housing they just create it. When Macdonalds opens people will no longer have to travel along the A14 to feed. This will become a meeting place and soon a few residents will move and find they cannot sell so they will rent out to social tenants and the remaining houses and flats that cannot be sold will also be rented out to the usual mix of druggies and immigrant as Phillips and Pipers development in Old Foundry Road was and then nobody will be able to sell again as in Old Foundry Road so they will have no choice but to rent out to social security tenants. IBC has planned this well and obviously intended this all along when they sealed all other entrances to Braziers Wood and Bridge Wood as that is where people used to bolt through when chased by plod. They will soon cotton on to Ravenswood as the only escape route left and burning cars will become common placed cooking the Sky Larks. The police will not chase as they know they cannot follow through that area and they are not going to make themselves look silly by trying and failing so a brand new rat run escape route is being created for all being chased or just wanting to dump a car. This is deliberate policy although Mr Steve Hunt and Mr Andy Sheppard do not realise they are part of a preconceived plan. They had to go to college to learn how to be stupid. The senior IBC directors will make sure the residents have a powerless IBC employee or two to liase with to make it look good and even a local part time community warden too but they are powerless without the will of IBC to do anything. The whole area is Internationally recognised as being a "Dogging" area in internet chat rooms such as "Swinging Heaven" and "Melanies" and the car parks at the Orwell Country Park are heaving most nights after 10pm through till 4am. There are even people living there sometimes. Anybody who has watched the area as I have will recognise the cars that trawl between Nacton Shores and The Orwell Country Park all night long looking for action. The police will drive by now and again but not get out of their cars as they regard it as being an adult social area. Heck it even goes on during the day. All you have to do is look for cars facing into the car park with a single male in it and note how often it is there. I sometimes photograph them as can be seen on here
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ipswich/ but it is a dangerous thing to do at night when all the fat truck drivers who overnight at the Truck Stop on the A14 turn up for their nights dogging action. Last night (Thurday 20th July) they were still haunting the place at 3am when I took my dog out. Surely the residents must have realised that by being surrounded by labour voting council estates they were doomed to be moved on for labour voting social housing?
peterturtill@hotmail.com pics