Saturday, June 24, 2006

Letter from IBC demonstrating their attitude to sexual perversions at Bridgewood.

My mail to IBC Director Tracey Lee below;

Dear Tracey Lee,
I am writing to you because I do not know who is now responsible for Bridgewood/Orwell Country Park. There is a long standing problem there that definitely needs to be addressed. The place is being used for exhibionist sexual behaviour and it it listed on various web sites as such. Now it is even happening during daylight hours as well. Many children use the place at night and this sort of behaviour ought to be stamped out.
Can something be done to stop this nonsense?


Peter Turtill

Apparently IBC's answer is that people who are not into sexual perversion should not use Bridgewood and find somewhere less secluded! They do not seem to be aware people live there!

Andy Sheppard just doesn't have a clue about what goes on and appears to suggest it would be OK if these sexual perverts stayed at Nacton Shores! I have never seen or heard of a single occasion when the police have moved anyone or even asked them to behave themselves. Patrol staff/Rangers have never come across sexual perversions during the day which is hardly surprising as they are never there and no Mr Sheppard, I am not referring to teenagers eating burgers and doing what teenagers do at all. I am pointing out to you that children camp at Bridgewood over night, very young children, and to get to the all night shop they have to walk across the car parks being used by sexual exhibitionists. Further more the usual morning rubbish lately has included two car windscreens that were just left as the Park Ranger just cleared up rubbish from around the glass which I have pictured here.

These were innocent people who had left their cars to go fishing but more case have happened where older lads have used catapults to frighten perverts away from this area. I find this attitude to be absolutely lacking in responsibility towards children who should be able to enjoy themselves here. People bonking on car bonnets surrounded by observers is OK but not kids on motorcycles! Someone has got their priorities in the wrong order here. Why? Maybe council employees do not ride motorcycles or that would be allowed too. more pics

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This glass has been lying here for three days now. It seems the chap who picks up the days rubbish has just cleared up around this. Maybe IBC is leaving the glass as a warning to doggers as it appears youngsters with catapults are singling out doggers and smashing their windscreens. The whole standard of Bridgewood has fallen since Sam Pollard left. The place is overgrown and generally untidy now. I am awaiting an investigation by Director Tracey Lee before pushing ahead with a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman about the lack of access for people in wheel chairs. Naturally during this lovely spell of hot weather I have not done much on this site but eventually I will trace the ownership history through the Land Registry but not while the sun is shining as my wife and I like to get out when it is fine and sunny. more pics

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My wife and I were sitting at Bridgewood a couple of nights ago around about 9-30pm, listening to the radio and chatting when a really loud roar made us look around expecting a plane crash or similar and we saw a jolly yellow chopper arise from behind the woods. We were able to see it fly away in the direction of the hospital and saw it gradually lose height all within 5 minutes of first seeing it. I was really quick and except for the fact it was so unecessarily expensive I would say it was a job well done. Of course it was excellent work by the crew of the helicopter but if IBC were not so obsessed with gates and fences around Bridgewood an ambulance could have driven down to the river and picked up the chap who had injured himself falling off his bicycle on the forshore. more pics

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Underneath the Orwell Bridge. There appears to be a gap the whole length of the bridge. Before this monstrosity was built we used to ride motorcycles down this way to the shore and even back into Bridgewood and Hallowtree. It is quite surprising that these days you cannot leave anything around without locking it as we would leave our motorbikes on the shore and go swimming. Nobody ever touched our bikes or guns as they knew they were ours. These days anything goes as soon as you turn your back. We had two scout huts on Hallowtree and one we had to share but the other one and our boat The Typhoon were ours and only our gang used them. Sometimes we would hitch up to a barge and get a ride to Harwich then we had to find another barge to hitch a lift back on. I was shocked to return to Hallowtree after travelling abroad to work and discover the place had been burnt down. When I was a kid that would have been a cause of a massive war but these days the kids do not have any sense of ownership as they always have their parents with them when they camp and once parents take control then ownership is lost. more pics

Monday, June 12, 2006

Interesting! Are these post to keep cars out or to keep them in? more pics

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Second expedition to get to the viewing point abandoned in dispair:-(
The starting point is about 500 metres from my house and it is marked red. My route is marked in green ink and I traveled anti-clock wise.The starting point on this map is in Maryon Road where the bus only access road is. My son walked with me in case I got stuck. This is the first obstacle just inside Ravenswood estate. I had to continue some way further into Ravenswood and turn up by the school to the place I entered by yesterday which is hardly visible from the road. This is where I got in again with great difficulty as the first 10 metres is overgrown probably to put folks like me off using it. This is similar to the murderous contraption I used yesterday. It is very dangerous using this while in a power chair as you can get crushed and if your controls are in the same place as mine your fingers are in danger of being mashed. IBC will eventually be sued over someone getting injured in one of these. I traveled the complete perimenter of the old west end of the airport but I couldn't get to the viewing point as the total perimeter is lined with felled trees as below. Hundeds of felled trees. This pic is taken from a different part of Bridgewood which isn't quite so overgrown and abandoned. I came to the old tarmac lane north of the A14 but I was on the wrong side of this.
So I traveled back along the lane towards the bridge over the A14 and that was when I was glad my son was with me as I couldn't get from this lane to this without my sons help. At the A14 side of this lane and I decided to travel down the lane beside the old airport while my son jogged home to get a truck as he was sure my battery was failing. However I managed it without help and traveled down Nacton Road and I was home within two hours of leaving on my adventure. I do not recommend this journey to any other crip in a powerchair as the whole place is overgrown and only suitable for the lads there on motor cycles. The paths are all overgrown and obviously have not been maintained for yonks. To be honest it is a disgrace. And that wheel chair users are barred from the viewing point just as people with buggies are because the place is overgrown isn also a disgrace. Only fit young men can get there and those on motorcycles of course. It really seems someones plans have gone astray as only motorcyclist can access the site with ease despite all the nonsense gates and fences that have been erected to keep them out. Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been wasted on fences and gates and someone should be fired over it and soon too. more pics

Saturday, June 10, 2006

MY EXPEDITION TO THE MOUND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OLD RUNWAY. My chair beside the mound of spoil left to use during the development of the new roundabout. Ominous diggings within Bridgewood in line with the new roundabout. I had to get through this contraption, which is supposed to be a wheel chair gate that keeps motorcycles out. Notice where the controls are on the armrests of my chair. This thing nearlyhad my fingers off as I struggled through it. This chap could ride through the anti-motorcycle gate for wheelchairs easier than I could get through it. This little beauty cost the lad 60 GBP S/H and it can get through any anti-motorcycle gate at Bridge Wood or Braziers Wood. It even has
no problem with fences as it can easily be lifted over them. This was the worst part of my expedition. Ten metres of roughtrack before I got to the swathe that had been cut. Maybe we are not supposed to know about the swathe that has been cut and it is only for Ravenswood residents? These destroyed trees laid out to catch motorcyclist out were a problem for me but not for the lad on the motorcycle. more pics

Friday, June 09, 2006

TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS WASTED ON ANTI MOTORCYCLE GATES. Motorcycle is pushed into gate. The gate flap is moved over and the rear of the bike is dragged over too. The motorcycle is now inside Bridgewood and about to be ridden down to the shore with three other bikes. Motorcycles are pushed through this expensive contraptionon the back wheel or on the front wheel. Mini motorcyclescan ride straight through. Motorcycles are taken through here on their back wheel. Ipswich Borough Council have stated all through this argument these gates are necessary to keep motorcycle out whereas all they do is keep wheelchairs and disability cars out. They have known this all along and still they lavished our money on these ridiculous ideas. Those of you who have read the last long and rammbling letter from Andy Sheppard will now see what a load of old cobblers that is. Motorcycles have been using this area for over 50 years that I know of and so have cripples in their cars. Now IBC has spent a fantastic amount of money buying and maintaining the place and all they have achieved is to keep wheelchair users out. When will they learn? Lads ride motorcycles at Bridgewood every day but they have not allowed me to photograph them before. IBC are well aware of this as are the folks who live in Bridgewood so why the charade of erecting all these very expensive gates and fences unless of course there is some ulterior motive? more pics

Thursday, June 08, 2006

This pic was taken early in the morning from Pond Hall farm across the Orwell. Note Freston Tower across the other side of the river. These pictures show what will be lost when a roundbout is built here, This one shows Pin Mill in the distance. It was taken by my son from the top of the Orwell Bridge. There are plenty more pics in my flickr picture gallery showing the beauty of our town and its countryside. Unfortunately all this is at risk as IBC will destroy it together with Bridge Wood and Braziers Wood. I hope those of you reading this from abroad will not be too home sick. You can print these pics off if you want to remember swich as it is now before the bull dozers move in. If you are homesick for swich we do have our own group on google. Just click here and save it to your favourites/bookmarks and post away. It is easier than posting on the Evening Star Forums. more pics

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

How not to write a letter when you havent a clue what you are writing about.

Page 1.

Page 2.

Page 3. This is just a load of nonsense where the writer Andy Sheppard shows his ignorance of his brief in so many ways. Firstly he says there is wheelchair access from Ravenswood then next page he says there isn't. He admitts to spending thousands of pounds of our money erecting a fence to keep out wheelchair users as it doesn't keep out motorcyclists and nor should it. This area has been used by youngsters and the not so young for at least 50 years to mess around with motor cycles. Every access point on Bridgewood and Braziers Wood is accessible by motorcyclists and yet they are stopping disabled people accessing the site on the pretext of keeping motorcyclist out. It is claimed there is wheelchair access at Ravenswood when there isn't and this is admitted on the next page. It is claimed it would not be a good thing for me to access Braziers Wood from Braziers Wood Road because there are no parking facilities there. I do not need parking facilities for my powerchair but on the other hand I cannot go up the road by the old airport at 6mph in my powerchair as that would be suicide but more to the point if there is no parking arrangements at Brazier Wood Road so what? There is an entrance there and some people do use cars to get there. That excuse just doesn't wash. I met Steve Hunt there a few weeks ago and both of us parked there but neither of us went into Braziers Wood. It is nonsense and rather like saying there is no parking area outside of some school or other so people shouldn't go there. Council workers start work about 7-30 and quit at 4-30 and only spend a few hours a week at Bridgewood and consequently they have no idea of what goes on. In essence this letter says we cannot keep motorcyclists out but we are keeping wheelchair users out however much it costs. There are many people like my wife and I who are being denied access to that we used all our lives before IBC spent our money keeping us out. Before IBC threw money at a site that is not even within their boundary but actually within Suffolk Coastals boundary, disabled people could get anywhere and please IBC do remember you are not the only ones with 4x4's and anyhow we managed very well before they became a popular form of transport to Sainsburys etc. Listen IBC. You have failed to keep motorcyclist out so give it up and tear down those expensive fences and gates and comply with the DDA and re-deploy your workers to the parks that are sadly neglected these days. This is a motor cycle I found on e-bay and it is similar to those used at Bridgewood and Braziers Wood Andy Sheppard. The gates and fences do not stop these as the lads just lift them over the fence or over a gate as do some adults too as they fit into a car boot This is where lads drive down to the shore to go bait digging or whatever takes their fancy. You should be well aware of this as council workers put stickers on the windscreens if they are still there at 7-30am but I cannot get the final few yards myself The gates and fences are completely redundant and they were before an expensive new fence was erected. All the fences achieve is to keep disabled people out and it is a disgrace. They are discriminatory. more pics

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

More pics of the Furniture Project and their Fort Knox enclosure with barbed wire topping.
This is about a mile away from where the van is parked each night and weekend so their explanation sounds rather weak seeing how much security we community tax payers have provided for them in our building in Hogarth Road. See the mail below for a guffaw.

From : <> Sent : 05 June 2006 11:20:24

Thank you for you email and links to pictures of our van and a red Citreon Car.
I can certainly see that if a car parks in front of the van, this would limit a driver's view down Cobham Road. I would concur that the red Citroen is probably parked too close to the corner and is possibly illegally parked, however on the advice of the Police, we were assured that our vehicle is in fact legally parked and is far enough from the corner to allow a careful driver to see if the way is clear before proceeding. Indeed a view up Lindberg Road is available before reaching the junction looking along the pavement between the parked vehicle and the fence of 6 Cobham Road.
Although you may consider this an inconvenience when departing Rydal Walk onto Cobham Road, we do not believe we are committing any offence. Perhaps you could seek confirmation from Ipswich Police in this matter.
Our driver has tried parking the vehicle in alternative places, Wright Road, and further down Cobham Road next to the park, but unfortunately we suffered vandalism on each occasion, which was when our driver was advised to park where he does.
I trust this clarifies the situation for you, if not perhaps to you entire satisfaction.
Bob Whitehead - Project ManagerIpswich Furniture ProjectHogarth RoadIpswichIP3 0EY
T 01473 404004 F 01473 408005

This is nonsense because when the van is parked there the other two cars have to park as shown in my original pic:-) more pics

Monday, June 05, 2006

To get to Bridgewood I have to drive from the right of this pic and stop at the white lines. Because of the way this van is parked I, and other drivers, cannot see what is coming from behind the van this is what we see. I wrote to IBC and the Furniture Project about this and this is the only reply I received as the furniture project have not answerred. Incidently they have a large secure yard in Hogarth Road big enough for plenty of these vans.




Subject: Cobham Road

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 11:51:17 +0100

Dear Mr Turtill

Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding the vehicle parking on Cobham Road. I have spoken to The Ipswich Furniture Project who will respond to you directly. I understand that it was the Police who originally suggested the van was parked there as it was suffering vandalism when left further along the road. However I am assured that all other options will be examined in order to try to resolve the situation. If I can help further,please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Peggy King

Customer Services Manager _ StreetCare more pics

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Acknowledgements to It is their pic and cannot be enlarged like mine. The airfield actually goes much further as the left of this picture misses it. A history can be found here An interesting part says "Ipswich Airport suffered a set back on 25th September 1987 when the two people who were masterminding the redevelopment of the site were tragically killed. Nigel Brendish and Ron Sullivan were flying in a Cessna 150 on a flight to Southend when it crashed in to a field at Tollesbury in Essex." Unfortunately they were drinking and attempting a loop and ploughed into the ground. I believe Nigel Brendish lived in Halfway House for a while. He also flew a plane upside down accross the channel for some reason. This was my playground and also all the other local lads as nobody bothered if we crossed the airport, well except for the bloke who owned Lonmet Aviation and we took no notice of him anyway. more pics

There are now only two households living inside Bridgewood. The two above. One with the dove cote and the other deep inside Bridgewood down this lane.

There was protection for these people once as another chap who I grew up with lived there in a caravan and nobody would annoy him as he is rough and ready and doesn't put up with any nonsense. IBC paid him off and he moved into a council house out of the way leaving the other two homes at the mercy of IBC who want them out too but on IBC terms. A car thief being chased cannot dump his car and set it alight anywhere along the route to these two homes. There are fences and barriers everywhere en route such as.
The first barrier. He wont make that mistake again as that hurt.
He cant go left over the bridge to Hallowtree.
He can't go straight ahead.
He has to turn right but he cannot stop at the car parks as they are full of doggers at night so he goes staight on. He can't turn left because of more fence and gates
So he goes down here to the static mobile home.
Or here to the house deep inside Bridgewood.
Both these lanes are fenced on both sides so he can decamp and set the car alight. Of course in such an enclosed space the fire will soon spread and put the house or the static mobile home at risk together with those inside. Fire engines will not be able to get near as the burning car will be blocking the approaches and it will not be long before those people at risk accept IBC terms to be re-housed. Next time you drive to Bridgewood look and see if you can find any escape routes for a joy rider being chased by the police. There is none other than those I have outlined. Believe me I know how the council intimidate people as I had three years of it when they wanted my home. So what can be done? Protest to IBC and councilors about the wicked fences and gates funneling trouble towards the homes inside Bridgewood and open the whole shooting match up so any and everybody can use it and IBC can go somewhere else to hunt for land to give away to developers as they have done already with the airport and more recently with a 7 million pound plot on the docks. Orwell Country Park is a dream to far and it is causing to much damage to many people. The same issue concerns Howard and King at Pond Hall farm is just as relevant as their approach is all fenced too and the same funneling effect is there as well and IBC would like them out too. They are building an empire of their own. more pics

Saturday, June 03, 2006

See also.
Whoever done this I salute you. This is an act of utter contempt for those who refuse to let youngsters drive on the land that has now been fenced to keep people out. It is a brilliant display of utter contempt to park on top of a traffic bollard right outside Stan Birds yard in Braziers Wood Road and where the road sign gets into any pic taken of it. There is a message here to our Civic Leaders and that is if you will not let young men run wild away from other people they will
run wild near to them. This is now such a common sight it hardly gets mentioned in the press but it will become more common than this if lads are continually screwed down and bottled up, forbidden to do this or that they will rebel and make it right in your face too. This town spends more on controlling young people than any damage they cause costs to put right. It spends more many times over just on fences and gates. I sincerely hope the next time these lads have a "burn up" they will do it right inside Bridgewood preferably where the fences and gates prevent fire engines reaching the fires caused. Oh and let me know too so that I can get some pics after you have left. more pics

As owner of this site I get to see how many views each pic gets. I have been puzzled lately to find the pic above is by far the most popular even though it is off topic for this particular site. The pic is of course of the old Waveney PH in Bramford Road (now re-named The Churchill). I reckoned the interest in it must be to do with the remarks I made about Fore Street Ipswich. Have a look and see what you think and guess the connections they all have with each other.
Was Smythes in Fore Street before it caught fire.
Same again.
All the above are in Fore Street
This one happened separately when the property crash caught a few speculators. It was the Blue Coat Boy PH and the scaffolding around it now is nothing to do with what happened.
Well they have all been the scene of mysterious fires even if one is on the Cattle Market and was alight at a different time. All the local lads were rounded up and held in custody while this was being investigated. I went to see Ryan. "Elizabeth where is that sallow looking Ray?" Reply. "He has gone abroad a few days ago with Ricky and Ronnie Leighton" As it happens Ricky did get his collar felt but got away with a plea and a big fine. It must have been some plea that:-) more pics

Friday, June 02, 2006

OK by popular demand the Jamie Cann debacle; Pics here

I was doing some work in Africa investigating fraud and I came across Hestair trading fire engines and dustcarts in deals involving large bribes. I also knew the MD of Hestair was serving a long prison sentence in Iraq for corruption so when I noticed an unusual deal with IBC and Hestair in the 1983/4 I decided to have a look and yes it was a crooked deal too. Hestairs owner David Hargreaves threatened to sue me if I said anything so I accepted his challenge and asked the council how they came to have GBP 250K worth of Hestair buses on order when no meeting of the Management Committee had approved the order. David Hargreaves decided not to sue me after all. At first there were denials and then usual wishy washy statements until I asked for a meeting of the Management Committee or I would make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. I got the Management Committee and amazingly Jamie Cann tried to 'chair' it but I wasn't having that. Eventually it was admitted Jamie Cann, as leader of the council had ordered GBP 250K worth of Hestair buses and upon further digging I discovered GBP 100K that should have been paid to British Leyland for buses had gone missing. Naturally that was then quickly discovered again and paid over to British Leyland. If I had kept quiet Jamie Cann would have earned well out of that when it was divided out. That was only one scandal while he was running the town as well as the Crown Pools rip off but Jamie was so on edge over his crooked deals he began a mamoth drinking bout that eventually killed him. I used to go home drunk but he was caught going out drunk and was involved in several distasteful scenes which took him close to deselection. Jamie Cann was not as lucky as me. I quit drinking before it killed me, just, but the pressures he was under overwhelmed the man and he died in 2001 while still our MP. He was a nasty bit of work, a self confessed Stalanist, meant not many in the local labour party were going to stand up to him but the hypocrisy that followed his death was as bad as his own behaviour. He was given a Civic funeral at St Mary le Towers were all and sundry gave speeches about how fine a man the creep was and to cap it all they named the building in the pics after him too. Some crooks get jailed others get lionised and it is about time the truth about Jamie Cann was told and the building pictured be given a better name such as Stalins House to remind future generations that when a politician becomes too powerful and corrupt so does his party. more pics

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Play it again Sam. Sam Pollard used to be in charge or the Orwell Country Park but moved to looking after Christchurch park. He promised a car park here by this fence but when I mentioned this to Steve Hunt he didn't know what I was talking about so I will reproduce the correspondence by e-mail below for the benefit of my readers and correspondants.

From Sam to yours truly
Subject: RE: DDA? and access to Bridgewood.

Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 12:26:34 -0000


The gate configuration we use at Orwell Country Park is suitable for most wheelchairs and prams/buggies.

We also have, at the two main entrances, a lockable gate which can be accessed by all RADAR key holders.

RADAR keys are available from Civic Centre.

There is a RADAR gate at the entrance to Bridge Wood. The other gate that you have 4 pictures of is due to be replaced within the week.? The new gate configuration will allow better access to all the new land that has just become part of Orwell Country Park on the North side of the A14.

Hope this helps.

Sam Pollard

Orwell Country Park Officer (01473) 43 3991

From: Peter Turtill

Subject: RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.

Hi Sam and others,

The gates have been a nuisance ever since they were installed. I complaiined

and my wife demonstrated to a council oficer who called here and took her and the pram to Bridgewood about 8/9 years ago. The council officer thought prambulators were the same as buggies used by younger folks.The gates all around Bridgewood do not comply with the DDA and the fact that one may have a radar key is not helpful at all as most of us do not have Radar keys and even if we had the chain around the gate would be beyond most disabled folks ability to reach yet alone handle. This is an issue that has to be addressed urgently now the summer is approaching again. The new lay out at the old airport site is going to be of doubtful benefit as far as I can make out. If memory serves me correctly there is a style at the Maryon Road end and that again is a recent addition (8/9 years) and accross a public footpath. The new path as far as I can make out will be wasted time as footpaths are used to find the qickest route between two points and cosmetically curved paths such as this one invite people to shortcut it. The large mound which has been there for some time now has no planning permission either and should have been used or removed by now. Please feel free to ask if you do not understand local peoples feelings about these issues.Regards,

Peter Turtill

From Sam
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:13:37


I am always appreciative of views and opinions of local people.? In fact we rely on these views in our management of OCP.? We have had very few complaints about the gates and have therefore felt that they are sufficient. We need good security at OCP as all the land in this area has been abused in the past and to some extent still is.? The gates are the best configuration to keep motorcyclists out but still allow genuine users.? The RADAR gate was installed some time ago and has been used regularly.? Unfortunately it is upto the individual user to provide themselves with a key.? However, I am sure that I can send one to you if you would like?

We are looking to replace our gates with a new style which we have used on Ravenswood.? Perhaps you have seen them?? The new gates cost a considerable amount and we do not have a budget big enough to make wholesale changes.We are also checking to see whether they do the job as well. The stile you mention will be removed when all the fencing and gates are replaced on Ravenswood.? (next couple of weeks).

The footpath is circular as it goes around our boundary.? The land to the east of it will all be developed.? The footpath also has a fence and new hedge to make sure people don't make short cuts.

As for the mound of earth, It was given planning permission as part of the development. It is a feature which allows people to view the whole development and look down the estuary towards Felixstowe.

Hope this helps


From: Peter Turtill

Subject: RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.

Hi Sam,

Yes I would appreciate a free Radar key. Thank you very much. With regards to the rest of your letter I understand the anxiety about kids on motor cycles although I wouldn't look at it as a problem. Quite the reverse actually as the nonsense that goes on there at night wouldn't happen if there were youngsters up there instead making folks lives a misery on the estates and of course around the Cardinal Park area. I used to ride motorcycle there when I was a kid 50 years ago and of course my sons did too. We also used to camp there and have a camp fire! No problems I can remember and definitely not hoards of strangers walking dogs and destroying the wild life much more than kids on motor cycles ever could. However I look forward to the new gates but I would caution that it is countryside and nobody likes fences springing up especially with gates so it could all be a big waste of money as they may have to be taken down one day again. I am not surprised you have had no complaints about the gates as you probably never even knew I had complained many years ago. People will not give feed back if it is ignored but I hear the grumbles such as the misuseof the disability parking bays. I sent you details of to trucks parked there, one of which was being questioned by the police on Wednesdays night, and details of the owners of these vehicles could be obtained from DVLA forA?2.50p. I have not seen the gate you refer to at Ravenswood as that place with all it's ridiculous traffic calming measure is a no go place for me and many other but of course the residents there are now local people too. Quite frankly I would be surprised if the new footpath with a hedge and fence survive long and I doubt it will stop people taking the shortest route. I admit to being surprised the mound was planned as a site seeing vantage point as only children can get up it!!!! I thought it was spoil and will be used in the new development which I suppose will then require planning consent to remove. It is a blot on the landscape and completely out of place and un-natural. However maybe things will improve now that you are aware of the points I have raised and of course the debate taking place on Usenet.Naturally I will be pleased to help if you require any more information.


Peter Turtill
Sent: 06 March 2006 03:10To: Sam Pollard

RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.
Hi Sam,
I have seen the gate on the north side of the A14 has been replaced but it has made the situation even worse now as nobody can get through the gate as it is padlocked. It has also been moved closer to the approach road so that now dog walkers cannot park their cars there! I suppose this makes life easier for the park wardens but surely that is not the point of having a recreation area. I sincerely hope the present situation will be changed as my wife and I were looking forward to visiting old haunts this summer and one place we used to go to regularly before we became disabled was the bench on the north side of the A14. Of course we also liked to go down to the river and hope to do so this year for the first time in years.


Peter Turtill

From : <> Sent : 06 March 2006 09:46:10 To : Subject : RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.


We are having the footpath extended from the 'Tump' to that gate so you willhave a surfaced access very soon.The carparking has gone because we are getting a separate car park on thatside of the A14.We don't want people parking in front of that gate as we need it clear foremergency access.


Your comments welcomed dear readers except about me being bribed with a RADAR key:-) more pics

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