This is a Public Footpath leading to Bridge Wood owned by IBC.
It is a right of anybody to walk along here according to
Suffolk County Council but that doesn't mean there are no
other rights too such as driving along here or riding a horse,
bicycle or motorbicycle. It is also legal for any obstruction
to a Right Of Way to be removed providing the person is
actually going that way. It is not legal to just go there to
remove the obstruction. One must actually be going that
way and be obstructed until they have removed the
obstruction and continued or at least to have started off with
the intention to walk that way before being obstructed. is a RADAR lock at Bridgewood. A RADAR lock allows
disabled people with a key to gain access. It also allows
youngsters on motorcycles to use grannies key to get in:-)
In this instance it is an unlawful obstruction to a
Right Of Way. is not a RADAR lock so disabled people can no longer
use this gate and a Footpath is further blocked unlawfully
by IBC who own the path but not the right to obstruct it. also is not a RADAR lock as all disabled people would
know and it is on the vehicle entrance. Somebody has had a
go at it but I cannot. My only solution here is to saw the gate
off and I doubt I am strong enough to do that. Somebody
else will have to tackle that one. is the lock on the disabled gate. I couldn't saw through
it so I sawed through the bracket it rests in and wrote to
IBC and told them what I had done including pictures of me
doing it. They have not taken any action against me so far
unfortunately as I would like to hear them in court explain
why they are obstructing Rights OF Way in Ipswich. locked it up like this and I could not saw it off even if I
wanted to go that way but I informed them if I wanted to go
that way and it was locked I would destroy this effort too. have now put a RADAR lock on the gate again but
some one has stolen the lock I think:-) Good. It is unlawful
of IBC to block Footpaths even if they
do own them. I hope eventually all the other gates
obstructing Footpaths will also be removed or one of the
local youngsters with a disabled relative will get a disc cutter
and remove all of them instead of waiting for IBC to do it.
If anyone knows I am wrong in law here please advise me
so that I can correct this post and not mislead others. pics at