Play it again Sam. Sam Pollard used to be in charge or the Orwell Country Park but moved to looking after Christchurch park. He promised a car park here by this fence but when I mentioned this to Steve Hunt he didn't know what I was talking about so I will reproduce the correspondence by e-mail below for the benefit of my readers and correspondants.
From Sam to yours truly
Subject: RE: DDA? and access to Bridgewood.
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 12:26:34 -0000
The gate configuration we use at Orwell Country Park is suitable for most wheelchairs and prams/buggies.
We also have, at the two main entrances, a lockable gate which can be accessed by all RADAR key holders.
RADAR keys are available from Civic Centre.
There is a RADAR gate at the entrance to Bridge Wood. The other gate that you have 4 pictures of is due to be replaced within the week.? The new gate configuration will allow better access to all the new land that has just become part of Orwell Country Park on the North side of the A14.
Hope this helps.
Sam Pollard
Orwell Country Park Officer (01473) 43 3991
From: Peter Turtill
Subject: RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.
Hi Sam and others,
The gates have been a nuisance ever since they were installed. I complaiined
and my wife demonstrated to a council oficer who called here and took her and the pram to Bridgewood about 8/9 years ago. The council officer thought prambulators were the same as buggies used by younger folks.The gates all around Bridgewood do not comply with the DDA and the fact that one may have a radar key is not helpful at all as most of us do not have Radar keys and even if we had the chain around the gate would be beyond most disabled folks ability to reach yet alone handle. This is an issue that has to be addressed urgently now the summer is approaching again. The new lay out at the old airport site is going to be of doubtful benefit as far as I can make out. If memory serves me correctly there is a style at the Maryon Road end and that again is a recent addition (8/9 years) and accross a public footpath. The new path as far as I can make out will be wasted time as footpaths are used to find the qickest route between two points and cosmetically curved paths such as this one invite people to shortcut it. The large mound which has been there for some time now has no planning permission either and should have been used or removed by now. Please feel free to ask if you do not understand local peoples feelings about these issues.Regards,
Peter Turtill
From Sam
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:13:37
I am always appreciative of views and opinions of local people.? In fact we rely on these views in our management of OCP.? We have had very few complaints about the gates and have therefore felt that they are sufficient. We need good security at OCP as all the land in this area has been abused in the past and to some extent still is.? The gates are the best configuration to keep motorcyclists out but still allow genuine users.? The RADAR gate was installed some time ago and has been used regularly.? Unfortunately it is upto the individual user to provide themselves with a key.? However, I am sure that I can send one to you if you would like?
We are looking to replace our gates with a new style which we have used on Ravenswood.? Perhaps you have seen them?? The new gates cost a considerable amount and we do not have a budget big enough to make wholesale changes.We are also checking to see whether they do the job as well. The stile you mention will be removed when all the fencing and gates are replaced on Ravenswood.? (next couple of weeks).
The footpath is circular as it goes around our boundary.? The land to the east of it will all be developed.? The footpath also has a fence and new hedge to make sure people don't make short cuts.
As for the mound of earth, It was given planning permission as part of the development. It is a feature which allows people to view the whole development and look down the estuary towards Felixstowe.
Hope this helps
From: Peter Turtill
Subject: RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.
Hi Sam,
Yes I would appreciate a free Radar key. Thank you very much. With regards to the rest of your letter I understand the anxiety about kids on motor cycles although I wouldn't look at it as a problem. Quite the reverse actually as the nonsense that goes on there at night wouldn't happen if there were youngsters up there instead making folks lives a misery on the estates and of course around the Cardinal Park area. I used to ride motorcycle there when I was a kid 50 years ago and of course my sons did too. We also used to camp there and have a camp fire! No problems I can remember and definitely not hoards of strangers walking dogs and destroying the wild life much more than kids on motor cycles ever could. However I look forward to the new gates but I would caution that it is countryside and nobody likes fences springing up especially with gates so it could all be a big waste of money as they may have to be taken down one day again. I am not surprised you have had no complaints about the gates as you probably never even knew I had complained many years ago. People will not give feed back if it is ignored but I hear the grumbles such as the misuseof the disability parking bays. I sent you details of to trucks parked there, one of which was being questioned by the police on Wednesdays night, and details of the owners of these vehicles could be obtained from DVLA forA?2.50p. I have not seen the gate you refer to at Ravenswood as that place with all it's ridiculous traffic calming measure is a no go place for me and many other but of course the residents there are now local people too. Quite frankly I would be surprised if the new footpath with a hedge and fence survive long and I doubt it will stop people taking the shortest route. I admit to being surprised the mound was planned as a site seeing vantage point as only children can get up it!!!! I thought it was spoil and will be used in the new development which I suppose will then require planning consent to remove. It is a blot on the landscape and completely out of place and un-natural. However maybe things will improve now that you are aware of the points I have raised and of course the debate taking place on Usenet.Naturally I will be pleased to help if you require any more information.
Peter Turtill
Sent: 06 March 2006 03:10To: Sam Pollard
RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.
Hi Sam,
I have seen the gate on the north side of the A14 has been replaced but it has made the situation even worse now as nobody can get through the gate as it is padlocked. It has also been moved closer to the approach road so that now dog walkers cannot park their cars there! I suppose this makes life easier for the park wardens but surely that is not the point of having a recreation area. I sincerely hope the present situation will be changed as my wife and I were looking forward to visiting old haunts this summer and one place we used to go to regularly before we became disabled was the bench on the north side of the A14. Of course we also liked to go down to the river and hope to do so this year for the first time in years.
Peter Turtill
From : <sam.pollard@ipswich.gov.uk> Sent : 06 March 2006 09:46:10 To : peterturtill@hotmail.com Subject : RE: DDA and access to Bridgewood.
We are having the footpath extended from the 'Tump' to that gate so you willhave a surfaced access very soon.The carparking has gone because we are getting a separate car park on thatside of the A14.We don't want people parking in front of that gate as we need it clear foremergency access.
Your comments welcomed dear readers except about me being bribed with a RADAR key:-)
peterturtill@hotmail.com more pics http://www.flickr.com/photos/ipswich/