Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Supposed improved access. This map has been sent to me by IBC and the writing in red is theirs whereas that in green is mine.Click or click on the pic. The wording you can read is by IBC and it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. ["The last 15 years has seen the development of the Braziers Wood/Bridge Wood/Pipers Vale area from a collection of separate land holdings with poor access and dubious safety into a well managed cohesive country park."]
Well lets get something straight here IBC. I have lived here 63 years and my parents and their parents before them so I think I do know better than the above. The area now has worse access than it has ever had in living memory and there never was dubious safety. It is NOT a country park. It is an ancient woodland that is gradually being destroyed by IBC and the publicity about it they are causing. It is now a place where people from miles away in Chelsea Tractors bring their dogs to crap and dirty old men haunt at night time frightening young people away.
["Disabled access onto as large a part of the site as possible has always been important, and the new areas of grassland have wheelchair gates from the new housing development. (NO THERE IS NOT AND THE GRASSLAND IS NOT NEW. IT IS THE OLD AIRPORT GRASS THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE) The path and gate installation are not complete, and once the paths and access routes are established along with the completion of all Ravenswood buildings the internal Braziers Wood fencing will be removed."]

Really! The fences that have cost us thousands will be removed no doubt at another great cost to us. Listen IBC why put the fences and gates up in the first place if they are all coming down again? As for disabled access onto blah blah blah well that is nonsense. There is no disabled access to Braziers Wood and hasn't been since the gate at Braziers Wood Road was erected. It is impossible for disabled people to get to Braziers Wood and has been for the 16 years IBC have owned it. ["The path and gate installation are not complete...."] How long do you want IBC?Another 16 years? It is impossible to access Braziers Wood full stop so how about doing something under your obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act and stop wasting time on "make work" schemes that are costing a fortune. Bridge Wood is not even within IBC boundary and yet IBC are stopping many young people using it the way I and other kids always have used it and to boot they are spending our money keeping us out. This is an outrage that should be dismantled and returned to the wild. Many people have already earned out of this spectacle. It seems hard to remember that once I could drive down to the river and see John Hunt digging bait with his car there too or that once I could walk from Stan Birds across the airport to Braziers Wood and Bridge Wood. In all the years we had a commercial airport here it was never fenced yet now it is a leisure area it is fenced too keep people out too. Somebody must be doing well out of fencing this place in and gradually giving large chunks to Bellways to build on. Directorships and triples all round I reckon. Seven Million pounds worth of dockland being given to create a university too. That should be worth a bundle of honoury degrees too but not for us whose money/land it is. I am certain I am going to see James Heir with an honoury degree from Ipswich University as well as a few others too. Spit. He will only accept a doctorate? He should have built a cathederal and got a Bishopsprick as well as City status. more pics

Sunday, May 28, 2006

It looks like we will be paying for more fencing soon. Braziers Wood is in the background over the A14. To get here one must follow the lane opposite the entrance to Bridgewood or through the truck park. by the left vans front can be seen a gate which leads to this the left and this to the right. which leads to Pond Hall farm from Bridgewood and to this and a better shot here and here is the truck stopover point. more pics

Saturday, May 27, 2006

This path cost us thousands of pounds just a few weeks ago. Now it has bushes growing across it and is waterlogged. The only people using this are the youngsters on motorcycles who IBC are determined to keep out. Click on these two links here, Still it is only our money and it has probably disappeared with the travelers who were recently allowed to stay at Copdock park and ride site. We are being stung for GBP 100K a year for this sort of nonsense and I for one will want to see the councils accounts this year. Under the FoI act I haved discovered that GBP 119K was paid to a Mr Tip who lives in Holland for 55 acres of Bridgewood in 1990 and 17 months later GBP 75K was paid to The Greyhound Bank of Deleware USA for another 11 acres that had a tenant at the time. Why was IBC paying money to a Deleware Bank that was defunct less than two years later? I think it would make more sense if the 11 acres with a tenant had been sold for less per acre than Bridgewood but who is going to check now? Unfortunately Stan Bird has passed away long ago and as he owned some land in that area I cannot ask him what he done with it or how planning permission was granted for the plot of land he owned at the end of Clapgate Lane. Incidently I still have my computer and the policeman who was threatening to take it away has today mailed me saying I must not contact him again via e-mail:-) more pics

Friday, May 26, 2006

This is the all night shop the scouts, caravaners kids and kids just camping in Bridgewood go to shop during the night. To get here the children have to go through this gate which now has plenty of shubs for truckers to lurk behind and this is also where truckers enter the car park when they are dogging although some have actually parked on Bridgewood for the night as can be seen from pics already posted here. Any young couples thinking of parking at Bridgewood at night are immediately surrounded by doggers and some times the couples do not realise it. I know as it happened to me when my wife and I stopped a few years ago with our g/children who we wanted to show rabbits at night. This is the site taken from the opposite side of the A14, the yellow car at the top of the pic is on the car park at Bridgewood. This is the truck park during the day when only innocent travelers are using it. The shop in daylight with an innocent fueler. The Little Chef next to the all night shop. The gate from Bridgewood taken from the all night shop side The bushes are where truck drivers lurk. This is not a secret and is a well known site to all long distance truck drivers and is also advertised many times on Internet together with Nacton Shores picnic area which many dog walkers will probably have noticed and been wary of as this dogging goes on in a slightly more discreet way at daytime. These places have already been revealed in a very amateur site in which all the doggers index numbers were published and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that site came back online now I have published this but I warn those who done it before that if they publish my name as being a dogger again I know how to track their blog down. This is the sorry state of what most people who live around this area like I do, regard as their back yard. Before IBC took this place over there was none of this nonsense as young men with motor cycles would have frightened the perverts away. IBC read this site so there is no excuse for them not being able to control this nonsense next to places frequented by children whose parents probably do not realise what their children are having to face when they go to the all night shop. I have informed IBC Director Tracey Lee and received a reply but I doubt anything will be done. See the mail.

Dear Mr Turtill
Thank you for your email. I have asked Andy Sheppard, Parks Manager to look
into this matter and he will reply to you direct
Tracey Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Turtill []
Sent: 24 May 2006 04:46
Subject: Your Ref AS/kb
Dear Tracey Lee,
I am writing to you because I do not know who is now responsible for
Bridgewood/Orwell Country Park. There is a long standing problem there that
definitely needs to be addressed. The place is being used for exhibionist
sexual behaviour and it it listed on various web sites as such. Now it is
even happening during daylight hours as well. Many children use the place at
night and this sort of behaviour ought to be stamped out.
Can something be done to stop this nonsense?
Peter Turtill more pics

Thursday, May 25, 2006

There are three set ups like this on the car park and I have seen gang bangs on all of them. It is so easy as a look out at Nacton Road can send a mobile phone message if anyone unknown or the police approach and everyone gets back into their cars until it is quiet again or they dash through the steel gates around Bridgewood and the Police cannot follow them even if they were inclined to do so. I have only ever known one occasion when the police have taken index numbers and they were a couple of police women. Mostly the police just drive in and out again without stopping. Beneath the car park is a garage with an all night shop and kids who are camping at Bridgewood often walk through a gang bang and nobody takes the slightest notice. If ever you visit Bridgewood don't eat your picnic off one of these tables and don't be fooled into thinking "dogging" only takes place at night because it doesn't. I have seen it during the day here too. About the only time it is peaceful is when I take my dog there at 3am. more pics

Click on the pic or here The first index number AO 03 XBZ is of a dark blue diesel Ford Focus that belolngs to Ian, a big mouth and the other one is KG 53 KRK a silver Ford Focus that belongs to David, a quiet chap. I had to go and talk to these two to get their numbers. Bridgewood has become a "dogging" centre because there are no young men on motorcycles around so people are free to get up to all sorts of sexual exhibitions until recently when somebody wrote down the index numbers of the doggers and published them on the web. Many people thought is was me because I have a computer and the majority of doggers are too old to understand computers or the internet. Ian somebody said it to my face in front of another dogger known as David or the Weasel and challenged me to sue him. As you can see DVLA refused to give me the name and address of Ian or the witness David so I couldn't sue and I lost interest. Then two weeks ago(6/5/06) I had a visit off the police as a truck driver had complained I had reported him to his company for parking in disability bay while he was dogging. Usually I report to IBC but this time they had an excuse for not taking action as there is no writing on the blue truck to say who it belongs to so I reported to the truck drivers company myself and heard no more from them. They said the complaint was from a Mr. S. Everit (sp) who apparently was the truck driver. I only knew his name to be Scott because another truck drivers wife told me. Apparently her husband works at the same company based at Ransomes Europark in Ipswich. The police left when I explained the truck was parked in a disability bay. This Sunday (21/5/06) another cop calls round to see me about the same incident and when I told him two cops had already been here he exclaimed "The bastards, they never told me" in front of my wife. He carried on to say the truck driver had now claimed I wrote his details on the site about doggers and if I wrote anything more about him or to him my computer would be seized. The cop claimed the truck driver wasn't dogging and only sleeping over night. He did not seem to be aware this truck driver also visits in his Nissan Almera and goes dogging with another couple where the male is also a truck driver and if the doggers are unhappy about this appearing they better take it up with those who went to the police. This is nonsense as the police know all about the dogging at Bridgewood and I never wrote the site with the index numbers on it either. This is just an attempt to close this site down. I have had to spend the last few days preparing just in case my computer is seized and I have now duplicated all my files onto the WWW where I can access them from any computer and even from the library. This site and the Flickr site are web based too so they are not going to close this site down by seizing my computer just as I am getting into interesting facts about the purchase of Bridgewood. more pics

Thursday, May 18, 2006 or

Click on the map to enlarge it. Everything above the thick black line is within IBC's boundary. As you can see Bridgewood is not and yet IBC have bought it from information I have received under the Freedom Of Information Act. I have been mailed the following information.

Thank you for your request for information concerning Orwell Country Park. Your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the information you have requested is as follows: The site was purchased in two lots being:-

1. On 9/2/1990---58.8 acres Price GBP 119,535. (GBP = Great Britain Pounds Sterling) my brackets as computers do not like the pound sign and it sometimes comes out as a ?

2 On 5/7.1991---11.3 acres Price GBP 75,000.

Budget for 2006/7 GBP 96,660.

Director Tracey Lee has had somebody mail me acknowledging my mail now too. So as far as I can see the land has belonged to us for 16 years for a capital outlay of nearly GBP 200K and a yearly cost of nearly GBP 100K. I cannot understand why money has been spent on something we already had and before IBC spent our money on it I had much better access to. No doubt I will find more answers as I go along. I am puzzled the first batch of land cost GBP 2,032. per acre and the second batch 15 months late cost GBP 6,637 per acre. That would have been in Jamie Canns time as Council leader I reckon. more pics

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Click here for a clearer view I have tipexed out some of what was already written before I received the form. and here below for the next page So many people have been contacted by me over these gates that it will now be interesting to see who handles this complaint. I have contacted James Heir the CEO and Directopr Tracey Lee and they haven't even acknowledged my mails to them. The rest of those contacted seem to have spent their time with this issue passing to somebody else or finding themselves another job. A serious cock up has happened here now that IBC have used community charge payers money in astronomical amounts building an empire of make work schemes and for the years they have had it disabled people have been excluded as have kids on motorcycles but not council workers in e4x4's. The sad fact remains that there is less freedom here now than at any time since WWII and that has only come about because some beard and sandal brigade at IBC decided to rescue a Wood that really needed shielding from IBC as can be seen now by the masses of fences keeping people out. This place is not like Christchurch Park which is locked up at night. It is an ancient woodland that has survived exrtremely well until IBC decided to save it. Save it from what I ask? more pics

Monday, May 15, 2006

Click here for bigger map and look at the area below the "Click map to zoom" (it will not work) but that is the area of interest.Worcester Road Coleness Road and Braziers Wood Road are recent additions.Originally Clapgate Lane was a dead end and Braziers Wood road just under the "Click map to zoom" and the road under and over the word zoom and outlined red never existed and the empty space was Stan Birds yard and would have come over Braziers Wood Roads present location. It was full of trucks and cars that Stan was working on but the council pushed ahead and allowed building extending Clapgate Lane right up to his yard and opposite it in Clapgate Lane hoping to intimidate Stan and various methods were used to close him down rather than give him planning permission to develop his plot to what it is now. See thisFrom Clapgate Lane now from Braziers Wood Road now. Eleven houses and some of Braziers Wood Road where Stan Birds yard used to be! Stan fought hard for this development and he was always made aware he had no chance of developing the yard like this. So what changed? Well Stan bought a plot of land beside the A14 and next to Pond Hall farm and the council wanted that land badly to include it into the Orwell Country Park and now they do own it and Stans yard has been turned into eleven houses. Stan always was a good trader but I wonder who profited from this particular enterprise as I very much doubt it was Stan. He must have been rehoused as was the chap living on his land by the A14 that the council now own. Unfortunately Stan is now deceased but he had a son who must wonder. What mysteries lay here waiting to be discovered:-) more pics

Friday, May 12, 2006

Click on the pic to enlarge it or click here for a clearer view of the complaints form I got today already filled in:-) Here is the full pic and here is the other side at least it hasn't been signed for me. Here is the letter that came with it today hand delivered while I was out You will see it is from Andy Sheppard and yet I made my formal complaint to the Director Tracey Lee. I wrote to her precisely because the other people have been passing this issue around between themselves for months now and if it is believed I am going to split a DDA access complaint by complaining about Steve Hunt they are very mistaken. My issue is the gates I and other wheelchair users cannot access and when I fill the form in I will post it here as proof of what it contains. I can actually find complaints about this issue on my computer going back very many months and being dealt with by Sam Pollard, Steve Hunt, Andy Sheppard, Tracey Lee, Robert Self and many more too some of whom passed it on to another and then came back into the circle of pass the problem. more pics

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Click the pic to get it enlarged. The red marks were written by IBC. The green mark is what I have put in to show Braziers Wood Road Gate. Here is a bigger map which allows better detail Look at the top right where it is marked Gainsborough. The tip of the sharp inverted "V" in thick black is pointing towards Braziers Wood estate and is where the gate in Braziers Wood Road is. How are the gates IBC have marked in red going to help somebody who cannot even get to them is beyond me. I sent IBC director Tracey Lee the mail below Wednesday night, and I suppose that is what got things moving today.

Your Ref AS/kb
Thank you for letter dated 3rd April 06. I finally met with Mr Steve Hunt over a week ago and he promised to get back to me within a week.
He has not done so and the gate to Braziers Wood is still breaching the DDA and preventing me and other disabiled people who use wheelchairs accessing Braziers Wood either from Braziers Wood Road entrance or from the entrance at Bridgewood.
I would like you to consider this as a formal complaint and do something please.

Yours Sincerely,

Peter Turtill

12 Beatty RoadIpswich IP3 9HR

I got this pushed through my door today which seems to indicate even more gates and then they will all be pulled down again or similar. It is really ironical to read the letter which states there was poor access when in actual fact the access was 100 times better than it is now. The rest of the letter is just as silly when it claims disabled access has always been important. Dont they read this blog:-) more pics

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Click on the above pic and click here too. and look at the bottom left of the page. Tracey Lee is one of the directors of IBC and yet she is writing me letters on behalf of Andy Sheppard and delegating for him to Steve Hunt. Not a good omen I suppose but I went along with it as it has taken many e-mails to get this far. My wife and I met Steve Hunt a week ago today at Braziers Wood Road entrance to Braziers Wood. He seemed to acknowledge the gate there was impassible for wheelchair users, see how any wheelchair user is supposed to get through that I do not know. It looks more like one of those fences that used to be seen around graves. Then we went to Bridgewood side of the old airport and this gate which cannot be passed by folks in wheelchairs but can by able bodied people and I also referred Steve Hunt to the next gate down another angle and he agreed this gate was redundant. We parted disagreeing about fences and gates but on good terms and Steve Hunt promised to get back to me within seven days with his proposals for RADAR gates and a map of the paths I cannot access. Well Steve Hunt has not kept his word and has not been in contact with me since but he has cured his problem with the gate at bridgewood by preventing able bodied people using it too which obviously is not a good way to show talent but certainly shows a lack of capability to communicate or manage a problem. See not an effort to be proud of really is it. more pics

Saturday, May 06, 2006

These trucks are parked in the disability parking bays at Bridgewood. The blue Scania registration number SE51SET and the name DROMENGRO used to be a frequent visitor and I believe I have seen the driver parked like this in another firms truck. I always report these to IBC and they write to the owners and warn them off but IBC couldn't identify this blue wagon. Fortunately another truck drivers wife told me the driver name was Scott and he was a self employed driver who worked out of Ransomes Europark for Hemisphere Freight Services and I mailed them about this truck being parked in a disabled bay so often. That was months ago so imagine my surprise when two policemen called on me today to say a Mr S Everett (I don't know the correct spelling) had made a complaint that I was harassing him. Just why he thinks writing to complain about him parking in a disabled bay is harassment I do not know unless of course he is just trying to cover up his reason for being there and not in the truck parking area on the A14. I suppose he had his reasons and if I hear anymore I will write about it here.

On Wednesday 3rd May 06 I met Mr Steve Hunt of IBC at this spot shown in the picture. He agreed that wheelchair users could not get past this gate but able bodied people could. I was given to understand he would consider putting a RADAR gate here so wheelchair users would be able to access Braziers Wood just as able bodied folks could as the DDA was being breeched here. I am very disappointed the result today is that in order to avoid discriminating against wheelchair users IBC are now preventing anyone accessing here by yes of course more fencing. It is so much easier to deny access than to grant it if somebody is determined to build their own empire. Incidently I was surprised that Mr Steve Hunt knew I had made an application under the Freedom Of Information Act to discover just how much council tax payers money is being spent here. Before IBC bought Bridgewood off the Dutchman every and anybody could access both Braziers Wood and Bridgewood and now they seem determined to challenge the local chavs to do their worst by attempting to exclude them from this area unless they bow down and submit to this. Already cars are being burnt out on the estate I live on instead of being just dumped here where they can be easily removed and nothing else gets damaged such as recently happened when a burning car ignited others near it.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mr Steve Hunt told me today what this contraption is as it had foxed me. It is one of these without a lock. Yes a wheelchair entrance. One day wheelchairs users will be able to get to it if my meeting today gets results.

This pic is significant. It is taken facing away from the main gate at Bridgewood and the dirt car park entrance can be seen on the right. The second tree on the left of this picture has a red piece of paper stuck to it warning people about thieves etc. The reason this pic is significant is that it shows our council is taking notice of comments people make because this lane was previously marked very clearly as being private, no access etc and there were at least three notices to this affect when in fact it is not private at all. One was on the tree where the red paper is and the other two were notices stuck on poles on the right of the lane. This lane leads down to where the pile of logs is being stored and also to Pond Hall farm. There is also a home down here were a family live in wonderful surroundings and a chap I know lived down here for 15+ years in a caravan until he was given a bundle of money and a council house. The land used to belong to Percy Nichols and then he sold it on to a couple of chaps I do not know who in turn sold it to the late Stan Bird. Stan lived at the very end of Clapgate Lane in a big house surrounded by old cars and trucks he was working on. I noticed today that about ten houses have been built where his place was. IBC must have bought the land at Bridgewood off his estate or done a deal for planning permission on his other bit of land as they were always trying to move him and his trucks. I was up there as Mr Steve Hunt from IBC was meeting me on behalf of his boss Andy Shepperd and we seemed to make headway about disability access to Braziers Wood via the entrance in Braziers Wood Road. We also went to the other side of the old airport and Mr Steve Hunt seemed to be reasonable about access being allowed there too and he has said I will receive more information during the next seven days together with a map of the lanes that I cannot access as yet. Incidently we did not agree about the issue of Bridgewood just being left alone and he did explain or try to explain that the logs of wood laid out around the mound and other places are for psychological reasons. more pics

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Oh dear, I fear our council has slipped up here. I knew something was wrong here but it escaped me until I went back and took another look and then it all became obvious to me at last. The new path is on the wrong side of the fence! Click on the picture and it will enlarge and if you click on the symbol in the right hand corner it will enlarge to nearly full screen. I suppose the rest of you have already cottoned on. Everything on the left of the fence such as the hump is to be recreational whereas to the right of the fence is to be handed over for development. The new path is on the wrong side of the fence as that side is due to be developed! I wonder what will happen now. Move the fence or move the path?

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Worshipful The Mayor of Ipswich
Munia Civitatis Decus Civium
(The functions of citizenship are the glory of the citizens)

That's us folks. Honour, Glory, Decency and Honesty all combined in the symbol of the Mayors ensignia of this town we live in and adore. I have traveled the world working in third world countries where the words above mean nothing at all and all that matters is the amount of bribes a public office brings with it. Patronage is all important everywhere I have worked and to retire back to Ipswich is bliss and of course an opportunity not to bother about being ripped off by public officials such as is common in other countries. We are very lucky indeed to be served by such an honest council who we can trust to spend our money without fear of impropriety at all because our town is straight and honest as are all it's officers and elected councillors who watch out for us and our funds. I have known other places where places like Bridgewood would be bought simply to make personal gains. The owner would be paid over value for the wood and he would then make personal payments to those who authorised his payment. Thank goodness that doesn't happen in Ipswich because that is only the start of what happens. Next somebody has to be employed to look after the place and he wants a budget to cover that duty. Obviously he needs manpower and that manpower needs transport which has to be 'bought' over value so that a bribe can be paid and then the manpower has to be found work to justify increasing their numbers regularly and the numbers of vehicles too (more bribes). Then of course contractors have to be invited to tender to make fences and gates which also have to be 'bought' and bribes paid to those authorising the payments. These gates would need replacing as frequently as possible to enable more to be 'bought' and more bribes paid to those authorising the payments and of course anyone living around about would have to be sweetened with planning permission for building whatever they want to 'buy' it for and before you know it the wood is surrounded by housing estates and whatever and of course everyone doing the 'buying' gets very rich and when they retire they quietly move away from the area to enjoy their luxury paid for by the towns people they were serving. Thanks goodness Ipswich is not like that and our officials are trustworthy and honest. Our many fences and gates are legitimately acquired and erected as are the vehicles and plant used and the wood is disposed of honestly too. pics at
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