Saturday, April 29, 2006

I wonder how much thousands of these metal fixings cost? What is their purpose? It is not that they are cheaper than nails as there are already nails underneath them as can be seen here. Of course the beauty of privatisation is that this money can all be spent with a fencing contractor who pays for the metal fixings himself and just adds them to the bill that IBC pays with our money and in a lump it doesn't look that bad especially as one has to be an acountant to discover how much has been spent on any specific item. I know last time I objected to IBC's accounts about some buses one hundred thousand pounds had not been handed over for some reason that was never satisfactorily explained. I had an accountant help me then as he was questioning the costs of the Crown Pools which we had a referendum over and we rejected the idea of having the Crown Pools because of the fantastic cost so they were not built and we saved all that money. Errr something is not quite right there as it has been built and all that money has been spent. How did Jamie Cann explain that one? I must have missed his explanation or he didn't remember to say what he had been told to say about it or maybe he said it when I was as drunk as he was as I did get drunk as much as he did! pics at


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